شعراء اردو کے تذکروں میں ادبی تنقید و تارخ: اجمالی جائزہ


  • Samra Zameer Federal Urdu University Islamabad


The Tazkra is a genre which was quite famous during the 18th century. A from that talked about all the known and unknown  poets of its era and was a great source for portraying the socio-literary trends and traditions of its time, The Tazkra is also a great find for the relations of its time. The Tazkra is also a great find for the relations amongst the poets and gives a deep insight into the poetic elements found in their poetry. The paper will talk about most of the principal Tazkray written in the 18th and 19th century and the ones not have been written even in the 16th and 17th centuries.


