اردو لغت نویسی


  • Hussain Al-khair University AJ&K


Urdu language  is not  only  broad but  also  follows linguistic principles.many linguists have praised   and talked  about  it, in their works.  It is an amalgamation of many  borrowed words  from other language. Its  proverbs ,gender  rules,  number principles  and  rules for pronunciation differ from those of the other  languages.  The art of diction that includes the determination of meanings andpronunciation of linguistic  units,  proclaims the vastness  and nourishment of the languages.  On linguistic level, dictionary is very fruitful  in determining the phonological,  syntactical  and  semantical boundaries  of  a  language  .  It  further elaborates  vanous  of properties of a word. Even  the  comilation  and  publication of a dictionary is an  arduous task  and  has  been  commented  upon  by

many linguuists  in their works.


