ادب اور بقائے باہمی۔۔۔۔تین کہانی کار کرشن چندر،قرۃالعین حیدر،انتظار حسین


  • Dr. Qazi Abid BZU
  • Dr. Muhammad. Afzal Butt


This article reflects some aspects of co-existence in Urdu short story. In its first part it has been discussed   what are the theoretical perspectives of co-existence  and how literature  can reflect it or  reflects it. Then the process of co-existence has been shown in three Urdu short story writers Kirishan  Chandr,  Qurrat  ul Ain Hyder  and Intazar Hussain  who represent different school of thoughts in Urdu literature. One short story of each writer has been analyzed in this context. All the three masters of the genre leave great concern with co-existence in their stories and leave much impact on the readers.


